West Coast College Preview Tour

It won’t be long until you’re a college student – get excited!

brite spokes College Preview Tours combines all the necessary elements of visiting colleges with the freedom and excitement of traveling with a group of like-minded students your own age.

The two week tour begins in San Francisco and goes down the famous California coast to Monterey-Carmel, Santa Barbara, on to San Diego and finally back up to Los Angeles and will introduce you to the area’s best educational institutions and their environments. Each morning, you and your peers will take part in a comprehensive college tour, where you will have the opportunity to explore the campus as well as learn and ask questions about the university. In the afternoon and evening, you can expect fun, cool activities that will allow you to discover that specific region, enjoy delicious local food and most importantly get a genuine feel for the area in which you may be living as a college undergraduate.

By the end of the summer, you will have visited enough campuses to help narrow down your application list and begin focusing on the schools you are most interested in pursuing. Then, if your parents decide they would like to personally visit a few select schools, you will already be an expert! Achieve this while creating lasting memories and making new friends along the way.

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